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Student code of conduct

1. Statement of Purpose 

Shakespeare’s Kids produces its Code of Learner Behaviour to provide clarity and support to Shakespeare’s Kids students in relation to their behaviour at class  and when undertaking classroom  activities. It is intended to assist the project  to provide an environment that is welcoming to all and is conducive to effective learning and skill development . 

The Code of Learner Behaviour is also intended to provide staff with a framework which promotes and supports a positive learning environment. 

This Code of Learner Behaviour and related guidance will be issued to staff and made available to all students. Where this code is invoked its purpose is to bring about an improvement in learner behaviour. 

IMPORTANT - Note from the Artistic Director and Founder Sharon McNally 


The students of  Shakespeare’s Kids who have been with me over the last couple of year have created a very distinct , unique and greatly admired reputation for themselves amongst SK , the parents and the community . They are viewed as inspiring , incredibly caring , supportive , and  dedicated young people who respect each other and work as an enthusiastic team . 

And for that reason I am incredibly proud of every child who participates in our project . 


It is our aim to install in you a sense of pride in yourself , your colleagues and your accomplishments . 

For that reason  I must stress to all of you the importance that you  maintain that reputation and that your behaviour at SK must meet the standard that these seniors have set .


Shakespeare’s Kids  is more than a drama group , it is a support network and a place were young people come together , support each other and build each others confidence while creating something special and unique to showcase their  abilities . 


So please remember that is my choice and pleasure to teach you but that the safety and wellbeing both physically and emotionally of all of my children is the most important part of my job and I will not hesitate to refuse to teach any child who can not behave in a way that is expected in our very special project and I hope I have the support and backing of you all and I think we have a very strong team and some incredible ideas and opportunities for the future . . 


Thank you 



2. Standard of Behaviour 

Basic class rules 

Dress / Class uniform - Formal class t-shirt is required for all Musical Theatre Students but optional for standard Shakespeare’s Kids classes . 

In the event you do not have or are unable to purchase a t-shirt please wear a suitable plain black top /t-shirt . 


Mobile phones - We ask that all phones are handed in to the Director at the start of class and collected at the end of class and only used during break or in the event of an emergency . 


Learners are responsible for their behaviour while at class and are expected to treat staff and fellow learners with courtesy and respect at all times. 

Shakespeare’s Kids staff have a responsibility to ensure that its learning environment is appropriate to the needs of all learners and to enforce health and safety procedures during all  activities. 

Everyone has a responsibility to challenge behaviour which is unacceptable and is likely to disrupt or degrade the learning experience of other learners. For example, all behaviour which contravenes the code of conduct agreed with both parents and students . 

It is anticipated that if Shakespeare’s kids staff are required to challenge behaviour they find unacceptable that learners will respond appropriately and the exhibited behaviour will improve. 

In the unlikely event that an individual or group of individuals continues to display unacceptable behaviour then the Director has agreed the following steps ; 

i)  Informally reprimand ,will not normally be recorded; in presence of 1 additional coach .
ii)  Formally reprimanded with parent/guardian present
iii)  Temporally suspended from class attendance 

iv)  Excluded from the class and class activities

Should any issue arise either with a member of staff , coach or  fellow student please approach the Director or head of children’s panel who will approach the director on your behalf . 


Coaches -  It is part of the SK policy to give all children the opportunity to become a class coach once they reach the age of 13 years . Coaches will be determined by their commitment to the project , experience and behaviour at class . We ask that all coaches adhere strictly to the Code of Conduct , act 

under the instruction and guidance of the Director and that all students respect the coaches as they do the Director . 


3. Examples of unacceptable behaviour

The showing of aggression , threatening  aggression or raising  your hands to any other child / member of staff at class  


The removal or damage of property belonging to another child / member of staff . 

In the event of damage of you must replace / cover the cost of the damage 


Speaking  unacceptably and in particular cruelly to a child at class either directly or indirectly to to or about that child. 


The posting of inappropriate photographs taken whilst at SK on social media that do not reflect the standards and ethos at SK .


The exclusion of any child in Shakespeare’s Kids due to race , gender , ability , prejudice or reasons unrelated to class. 


Sexual harassment or inappropriate advances towards any child at class 

by this we mean unwanted advances , pressure or inappropriate behaviours and would respectively ask that any relationships that do develop at class are not brought to class and indeed any relationships outside class are not discussed inappropriately at class. 


Use of inappropriate language at class. 


4. Casting and show behaviour standards 


All students and coaches are expected to behave in an appropriate manner both on and back stage and fully support each production and the cast professionally and respectfully. 


Shakespeare’s Kids will make decisions on the casting of children based not only on talent but on their attitude towards the other children at class, their dedication to the production and the support they provide to the staff and Director. 


We ask that the Directors decision be respected on all roles allocated and decisions made.


The Director has the right to replace any member of cast should their behaviour become unacceptable or unteachable . 


The Director has the right to refuse any child to perform during a show if they deem their behaviour unacceptable /unsafe or inappropriate prior to show. 


5. Board & Education 


There will be a children’s board comprising of 6 students over 13 years who have been with the project for the longest term and who’s  behaviour  and attitude has been recognised by the director who will represent the children of Shakespeare’s Kids and assist the Director in any decisions were she requires a broader spectrum of opinions. 

This board is also the first step a student should take if they are unable to speak with the director personally and would prefer to go through the board . 


All students over the age of 12 years and who have completed 2 performances with the project will be eligible to enrol with Kelvin College Community Achievement Program. 



Decisions on student participation will be at the discretion of the Director and the College Key worker . 

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